By Rob Bailes
"Healing the Holes in Your Heart"
Luke 22
The message today has to do with our lives and the things we have been through that have caused us some type of harm or left us hurt in some way and we cannot seem to forget it no matter what! Something that was so degrading or so surprising that it seems as though we will be haunted by the memory of it for the remainder of our lives!
The thing that happens whenever we go through an experience like this is we are left with a hole in our heart that doesn't heal back on it's own. As we go through our lives and experience this over and over we begin to feel as though our life has lost meaning and we can become weak in our spirit. Maybe even feel dead inside as we still go on with our lives totally undetected by those around us!
Let's look at some things that can cause holes in our heart. It is the equivalent of taking a big poker and sticking it right through our heart! You may be thinking right now, why use a big poker for this illustration?
Well, it doesn't take many of these experiences before we reach the point that we can't safely feel with our hearts. We may try to imitate people that do or we may pretend to feel, in hopes of saving our relationships, but there's not enough healthy heart left to even feel for our own self, much less anyone else! This is something that is hard for others to understand sometimes.
There are also smaller pokers that leave smaller holes in between the big holes and we can eventually end up with a heart that is pretty much like a sponge full of thousands of holes. The sponge soaks up everything it touched but it really doesn't serve any other purpose. We can eventually get to the same point in our lives when we continue on leaving the holes unhealed in our hearts!
Let's look at examples of our own experiences that are found right in the last 48 hours of the life of Jesus. That's right! Jesus too had the holes pierced through His heart just as we do. Lets read about the first of these experiences,
And the chief priests and scribes sought how they might kill him: for they feared the people. Luke 22:2
The religious leaders of that day were really looking for ways to kill Jesus for doing what was right and threatening the rules that they had set up so that they could gain from the positions they held. Have you ever stood up for the truth in an organization or even your church and found that you were the one being attacked in the end. You couldn't help but wonder how you could be so mistreated to the point of being hated by the people you thought you knew so well when suddenly you became a threat to their world just by standing up for the right thing.
To be continued....
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