"Sharing the Light of Truth with everyone.....everywhere."

Discovering the Light from the Truth found in the Word of God!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


The seasons have totally confused me lately. I don't know whether to take an allergy pill or wear my winter coat. The flowers are blooming in the middle of March and the mid-west is experiencing hurricane season already. I can't help but wonder if we are going to get the April showers this year. It can all be a bit confusing to the animal life as well. What I have notinced though, is that everything seems to be rolling with the changes and moving ahead regardless of what month it happens. Even the mosquitos hatched from their eggs early! Ouch.

Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. ~ 2Timothy 4:2

As I thought about this passage in 2Timothy, it made me think about the resilence of the living creatures, even in unusual circumstances. I feel that this was exactly what Paul was trying to convey in his message to Timothy. Pauls life was nearing the end and he had seen many followers come and go, as you will find in the rest of this chapter. I'm sure it was really hard on Paul to see this happen after spending hours teaching these men who had made the choice to follow and commit themselves to the Lord's calling. It brings to mind the verse in Psalms where David tells us to put our confidence in God, not man. (Ps. 118:8,9)
I thought about Paul's words, 'in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For a time is coming when they will not endure sound doctrine..'
I can't really tell you for sure if we are in season or out of season right now, but I know that it is one or the other! Another words, Paul left us no question about when or where to be doing the work of God. I believe that he used some life application here that words it in such away that nobody could exclude themselves for a period of time to take away from the calling of God on their life. There is a constant, relentless plea made here to continue while there is time and people will listen to the TRUTH. Is the truth being taught? Would the people who come in contact with us know what we believe or know how to believe in God? Read verse five of 2Timothy to see what Paul had to say about this situation as well.
I'll admit brothers and sisters, without knowing it, I have worked beside men all day long only to find out later that they filled the role of ministers or youth leaders in a church. Let verse seventeen be a challenge to all men to preach the truth so that, as Paul says, all the Gentiles might hear. We live in a nation full of Gentiles and there's only one way I know for them to hear; it has to be spoken. Let's exhort one another in the church to open our mouths and speak the truth. Let's rebuke the temptation of satan to remain silent. Last but not least, let's reprove ourselves that we may also say at the end of our lives, as Paul claimed in verse seven, that we fought the good fight, we finished the course and we kept the faith.