By Rob Bailes
And he said to them, I have earnestly desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer. Luke 22:15
Jesus knew the suffering that was coming and wouldn't do anything to keep it from happening because his suffering had been prophesied and even greater, it was the will of His Father! Jesus went through this suffering that we may be able to be justified and cleansed of our sins! He knew our self-destruction would be healed by His act of love on the cross if we accepted his salvation through faith.
If you have ever experienced a time of waiting for the suffering to begin; knowing that the attack would return again; knowing that the abuse was going to happen; knowing the betrayal of a close friend could repeat itself. You have started your day knowing that you would be made fun of; knowing that someone you trusted may use you again for their own selfish gain; knowing that all your kindness and love may be taken for granted, yet continuing to give over and over.
Maybe you get up each morning knowing the one you had devoted years of your life to is making plans to leave you. Does this describe your life? Is this how you or someone you know has lived or lives their life each day?
Knowing and waiting for the suffering to come was as painful, if not worse than the suffering itself. It left a hole in your heart for sure my friend!
A small hole every time a threat was made, every time an insult was thrown at you by your teenage son or daughter; every time your spouse made you feel like you failed; every time your cry for love was rejected by the one that you loved with all your heart, even the time your trusted coworker caused problems for you at work by talking behind your back.
Do any of these problems sound familiar to you? These are the things that cause us injuries and they come prior to the actual attacks! These are the small holes in our hearts, but the small holes will cause us allot of damage over the course of our lives and practically kill you if they never heal! Jesus certainly experienced all of these injuries leading up to the time of His crucifixion.
Have you ever been out right betrayed by someone you thought you could trust? This is so hard for anybody to deal with and this leaves holes in our hearts so deep when this happens to us! Jesus experienced this too, you know, in the garden when he was sold by one of His followers for 30 coins. His very own disciple went so far as using a gesture of love to betray him with! Does this sound like something you have been through before?
How do you think Jesus dealt with this painful betrayal of trust? How did he get through those moments of heart ache? Remember, Jesus knew that it was coming and still he continued with the will of his Father.
To be continued....
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