We all share some very important priorities!
"Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it." ~Proverbs 22:6
Like yourself, I love my family more than anything else in this world and it's my desire that they all be as safe, happy, healthy and as prosperous as they can be in everything that we do; at home and in the public circle. We can all admit that it is a day to day challenge, but most days it goes pretty well considering all that could happen that doesn't. I hope that you are able to experience some harmony as well, whether you are married, separated or divorced. I know that it is possible to find harmony regardless of your status, if we just don't give up trying! It's our responsibility as a parent to be aware of everything that could eventually have an impact on our families. Particularly those things that pose a threat to our peaceful existence and steal our joy. We also must realize that those threats could come from outside the home, but they can also come from within our homes, hearts and histories.
We have people coming into our world from all walks of life. There are teachers, coaches, family members, schoolmates, influencing peers and others. Some have good intentions and some do not. These people all have different priorities and moral standings that may differ from your own and they can have a tremendous effect on how our children think about life, feel about the world around them and how they behave right now, as well as the way they will act as adults. The media is also a powerful source that can undermine morals and values in even the strongest of families if we don't purposefully take care to control and counteract those messages. We must make sure that we aren't threatening our families from within by our own lack of adjustment, poor priorities and an absence of leadership. We should also make sure that we aren't using negative products and techniques of our own upbringing, if you find this in your past as a child growing up. We're not the only influence in our children's lives so we need to make sure that we are the best and the most persuasive influence.
Some people think that family life is a thing of the past, but I'm here to tell you that the family is even more important today than in the past generations and it's erosion is totally unacceptable. It sometimes seems like a fight. Well, it's a fight that you can and must win! As a parent, the power is yours to set your child on a course for success. You may not be feeling very powerful as a parent right now, but if you will find the courage to rise to the challenge, I know that your child can and will be blessed beyond belief. The Word of God tells us that a child will remember. When? It says that they will remember when they are older! So don't become discouraged or give up trying! God will give you the patience, long suffering and even peace when we lay carry our children to the Lord in prayer.
Do you wish you knew how to decide what's good and what's not good for the children in your home? I'd like to end with a few verses that will help you to see a little more clearly how to judge the good from the bad influences. I memorized these verses for a class I was taking a while back and it really made a difference in how I decide what is clearly wrong for the children and for some, even the grandchildren.
"Blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scorner. But his delight(his joy is found) is in the law of the Lord; and in his law does he meditate day and night.(all the time) And he will be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also will not wither; and whatever he does will prosper." ~Psalms 1:1-3
Isn't that awesome stuff parents? Tomorrow we will talk some about the tree planted by the rivers of water. I'd really like to share something unique that God showed me about the trees that grow along a river. So join me tomorrow for my life application with this particular tree and how it applies to you and your children. Until then, keep your chin up and your knees bent as you seek the Lord for strength and guidance!
"Sharing the Light of Truth with everyone.....everywhere."
Discovering the Light from the Truth found in the Word of God!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
"Defend or Learn"
All outcomes depend on this choice!
What will it be? Will you defend yourself against judgement, criticism and danger or will you venture out and allow your natural curiousity to gather the information to learn something new? Is it going to be a life full of possibilities and enlightenment? If not, you may spend every day worried about the fact that someone is going to find fault in you if you dare to do anything out of the routine. Do you know anyone like this? Are you like this? If so, there is hope!
I'd like to share a passage with you to take and meditate on today as you take a little more notice of how you act or react today. Remember as you go, in Psalms 1 where it says that the blessed man meditates on the law of the Lord day and night! Selah.
Jesus said, "Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgement you judge, you will be judged: and with what measure you use, it will be measured to you again." Matthew 7:1-2
What will it be? Will you defend yourself against judgement, criticism and danger or will you venture out and allow your natural curiousity to gather the information to learn something new? Is it going to be a life full of possibilities and enlightenment? If not, you may spend every day worried about the fact that someone is going to find fault in you if you dare to do anything out of the routine. Do you know anyone like this? Are you like this? If so, there is hope!
I'd like to share a passage with you to take and meditate on today as you take a little more notice of how you act or react today. Remember as you go, in Psalms 1 where it says that the blessed man meditates on the law of the Lord day and night! Selah.
Jesus said, "Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgement you judge, you will be judged: and with what measure you use, it will be measured to you again." Matthew 7:1-2
Saturday, January 8, 2011

James 1:5
Who needs wisdom?
Take a minute to ponder this question. Do you have all the wisdom that you will need to handle any situation that could arise in your lifetime? If we answer this in all honesty, we would all have to admit that we couldn't possibly have the wisdom now that we will need for the rest of our lives! So, how can we be sure that we will have the wisdom when we need it, so we will make the right decisions? Is it possible that you may have an important decision to make right now, as you are reading this Daily Light post today?
Now let's ask ourselves this, "Do you understand why we sometimes lack the wisdom that we need in order to make the proper decisions and choices for your life and your family"? I know that is allot to think about all at once and I really just wanted you to take a minute to think about this predicament of decision making without possessing true wisdom. We often find it much easier to just ignore this crucial missing link to making decisions wisely! This can effect the outcome greatly concerning some of the most important decisions of our lives. The choices made out of ignorance often lead to regret and emotional injury and those injuries take a long time to heal. Then why do we still make these kind of decisions when we know the risk of injury to follow?
Many times we'll tell ourselves that we just don't have the time to find out everything we need to make an informed decision. So we act in haste and bulldoze our way through life, leaving casualties all along the way or paying highly with the loss of friends and relationships. Does this describe you or someone you know? Most of us know someone else like this, but today we all need to stop and take a look at ourselves. We all are just as capable of this as the next guy.
Sometimes our decisions are made out of ignorance because we are just too stubborn to let anyone else offer you any helpful advice. Has anyone ever shared a reference with you and you just brushed it off like a piece of lent; acting s if it was an annoyance to you that they even offered to help. This stubbornness stems back to pride and pride is a characteristic that takes us down every time, as Jesus taught His disciples this throughout the Word of God. Is it wrong for us to ignore this teaching? Of course it is, but it could be that we often feel that we have no other choice but to move ahead ignorantly because we don't have time or resources at our fingertips.
Let's look at what a writer who was inspired by God wrote about this very need that we all face when we are making these critical decisions.
James 1:5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
Can it really be this simple brothers and sisters? James speaks from experience. James was called a "pillar" of the church at Jerusalem by Paul.(Galatians 2:9) He must have had times when he felt that he lacked the wisdom he needed, but he knew where he could turn for help. Let's look a little more in depth at what James is teaching the scattered followers of Christ in this passage. He says first of all without any judgement or piety, "If any man lack wisdom"; and that's going to include every man, isn't it? So James didn't specify any nationality, religious group, occupation, class or race. Next he said, "let him ask of God, that gives to all men liberally". The Greek for the word "liberally" used in this passage is "haplōs" and it literally means "bountifully". So we are to ask for wisdom and God will give us wisdom bountifully!
With James spiritual strength and being a follower of Jesus, he would know firsthand just how much God would give when we ask! As if that wasn't enough, James followed that great news with this,"and upbraideth not; and it will be given him.". That should excite everyone to know that all we have to do is ask and it WILL be given to us! But look at this small added piece of detail that James added in his statement,"upbraideth not". "And God upbraideth not." Why did he include such a statement in between telling us to ask and telling us that we will receive?
The word "upbraideth" in the Greek is "oneidezō" and is pronounced on-i-did'-zo. This Greek word literally means to defame, that is, rail at, chide, taunt ; also (suffer) reproach, revile or upbraid. Have you ever felt that maybe God would look at you in disbelief if you dare to ask Him for direction with a situation? Have you ever been too embarassed to ask God about a decision in your life?
Believe me when I tell you that you should NEVER EVER feel like God will embarass you for your requesting His help you brothers and sisters! Our God loves us so and cares for our every need. That is our assurance today! Ask and you will receive bountifully from a God who will never embarrass you or give you a hard time!
With our Lord God of Abraham,Isaac and Isreal, the only silly or embarassing question you may have is the question that you didn't ask God!
If any man lacks Wisdom, let him ask of God....James 1:5
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How can I keep my joy when I'm being tried?
When I read this passage, the first thing that came to my mind was this question,
"Did James really mean that we were suppose to be happy when we find ourselves in a difficult situation that is going to try our faith to the max?"
Hey! You know what? Those guys way back in the Bible times had difficulties just like we do today!
The only difference is that our trials often come in the form of plastic money; wireless communication or some modern form of transportation. Right? Just think about the last time that you took a flight to some distant city. If your patience wasn't tried, I applaud you! I had to practice patience from the time that I entered the first line at the customer service counter to the minute I picked up my luggage at my destination! We sat on the plane for several hours just waiting to take off in the middle of the summer without air and I'm a little guy. The problem was that I had a middle seat and was right between two guys who may have been linebackers for the Pittsburgh Steelers! These guys were huge, hot and restless! I had to get up and stand after the first hour just to breath! I'm not kidding folks! Boy was my patience tested! The fact is that I was experiencing something I hadn't ever experienced before and that's when we often find ourselves also dealing with a new temptation for the first time. It was a most trying time and I wasn't in the least bit joyful! So, what does James mean in this passage when he says to be joyful?
James 1:2-3 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations; 3. Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
James says that we ought to be joyful, not because we are tried, but because we can know beforehand that it is this difficulty that will cause us to become more patient when trouble comes our way. The trying of our faith is when something causes us to feel like we are about to explode, but instead of exploding, we must remember the basis of our faith and we must remember that our faith is built on love and that we ought to love one another! It is this kind of spiritual control that shines in a world of anger and selfishness! It tells those around us that there is hope for mankind in the world today! I often remember the passage in Matthew 12:36 when I am about to loose control and say something wrong that would please our adversary the devil. So our joy comes from the knowing, as it says in verse three, that the trying of our faith teaches us patience.
Is something or someone trying you today? Is there something in your life that you are protecting with your life? How will you react when you are tempted and your faith is tried? Will you be the tough guy in the flesh or the tough guy in the spirit? Have you snapped and told someone off lately because they intruded somehow into your own self-centered world? When that happened, how could you have changed the way things turned out?
You can be joyful still my brothers and sisters! Regardless of our experiences, even when our faith is tried, we will always KNOW THIS,"...that the trying of YOUR FAITH works patience." found in verse three. So, the big question now is,"Are we going to count it all joy? All situations? All outcomes? All that we learn? Are we going to be able to maintain our joy, no matter what happens?".
My answer and your answer should be, "Yes, absolutely! Because we know that our patience is being perfected through the trying times when we fall into different temptations." Selah.
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