"Trust in the LORD and delight thyself in Him" (Psalm 37:4). Joy is always associated with trust in God. St. Paul on his way to prison said, "Rejoice in the Lord always." Jesus met men and women who were burdened with care, and he told them, "Be of Good cheer!".
Trust and sing your worries away. The joy of the Lord is your strength. Joy changes our outlook upon the world. When the soul thrills to heaven's purpose and joy abounds, problems become less difficult and the way grows brighter. Be of good cheer and people will look different. Be of good cheer and toil will be sweeter. Be of good cheer and all nature smiles upon you.
Learn a lesson from the birds. Two cardinals built their nests in a bush near the house. They sang and toiled day after day. When finally the nest was ready for occupancy, one bird settled down in it. The other bird brought food and stood on guard. They had no troubles or worries till one afternoon there came a storm out of the west. The wind blew and the rain came down in torrents, but the mother bird clung to her nest. Then came a sudden rush of wind that tore the nest from the branch and hurled it to the ground. All the eggs were broken and all loves labor was lost.
About an hour later the storm was past; the sun was shining and from the top branch of a tree in the yard came the sweet song of the cardinal. The two birds that had lost their all in the storm were singing cheerfully as if nothing like that mattered much. The next day they were busily engaged in building another nest.
Trust in the Lord and sing His praises. Listen to St. Paul in the midst of the storm: "Be of good cheer! For I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me." Sing in the face of adversity! Sing and drive the clouds of doubt away! Sing and believe that all the ills of life work together for good to them that love the LORD and are called according to His purpose. That means that God undertakes for those who commit their ways to the wisdom of His will.
Are you willing to commit your way unto God and trust in Him? If so, He will order your steps and lead you right. He will not let you be cast down. He will uphold you with His hand. He has promised this. Trust Him! Put yourself in His hands and sing:
He leadeth me, Oh Blessed thought!
Oh words with heavenly comfort fraught.
Finally, you must "Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him." Do not become nervous and anxious. Hold steady and be patient. Remember, Jesus never fails. Some things at the moment may be puzzling and trying and you may be tempted to question God's wisdom in permitting them; but tomorrow or the next day, or the next year, you may see how God made the things which perplexed you to become the ministers of His rich and fruitful purpose.
"Rest in the Lord." What is the secret of rest? It is thought without worry, care without anxiety, knowledge without fear and faith without misgiving. In other words, look the situation in the face and give it careful thought, but do not worry. Exercise care, but do not be anxious. Know and face the issue, but do not be afraid. Trust God to direct and help you, but allow no doubt to enter your mind. Then you may rest in the Lord.
Let me warn you that if you have been given to worrying you may be tempted to worry again. This temptation is to be rejected the same as any other temptation to do wrong. Instead of yielding to it, call to mind immediately the promises of God and remember His faithfulness in the past. Then sing and delight thyself in Him.
Dear brother or sister in Christ, you must not worry. God's invisible presence is vouchsafe to you every step of the way. He says, "Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the age." If God be with you and for you, who can be against you? With God, the way is never so steep that it may not be climbed. With God, the river is never so deep that it may not be crossed. With God, the furnace fires are never so hot that they may not be endured. With God, you may master your circumstances and smile at difficulties.
Through it all, you will improve your health, enjoy life and be a help and blessing to to others. It is a well proven fact that absence of worry and cheerfulness of disposition helps to promote good health and a long life.
"Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace In Believing, that you may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Spirit."
Today's message was from the book titled, "The Victorious Life" about the life story and best sermons of the famous evangelist Charles F. Weigle 1871-1966. Author - E. B. Toles
Thank you!
ReplyDeleteGod Bless!
Your most welcome Lon!